Its 11:11pm as I'm writing this,and it's my first blog entry!
Yay? NAY. Out of everything I COULD be doing,[Sleeping *Cough Cough*] I'm studying,because I did'nt know tommrow was Oct. 5th!!! My Science test is tommrow!

What better way to start a first blog!!! -.-
So,the test is about equipment,easy?
Almost alll of the definitions are the same,are they're are about 35 peices of equipment!!!
On the other hand,I have a 30 Word vocabulary test on 10-7.
My IPod which I'm using now,is in "recovery" mode,right when I need it to get some songs! Its been like that for an hour!
I have to charge my phone for tommorow too!
Wish me luck lovelys..
